Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Social Use of the Internet: Friend or Foe?

Social Use of the Internet: Friend or Foe?

As internet use in the 21st century progresses, so does its popularity. The internet is used by almost everyone, in a variety of ways, providing never ending information, an easy mean of communication, and an ability to have the world closer than ever before. Internet use as social communication has become widely used, and is especially popular among teenagers and young adults. The use of instant messaging and social networking sites, have become not only popular, but almost a necessity among young people. People are now able to express themselves differently than compared to face to face communication, and are using the internet to provide another public sphere (Boyd, 2007) of communication. Although many studies and media reports assume internet use among young people to be negative and dangerous, this essay explores the benefits of using the internet as a proper means of social communication, with special attention to the use of instant messaging and social networking sites, such as Facebook, as a positive outlet of social communication, promoting social capital as well as contributing to one’s overall well-being.

Instant messaging was one of the first ways of socially communicating via the internet. It can be defined as “synchronous communication” (Bryant, 2006, p. 3) with one or many at once. The use of instant messaging has become extremely well-liked due to its inexpensive and relatively easy use, making communication to more than one person accessible and uncomplicated. Although widely used and accepted by many in the younger generations, others have seen instant messaging to be harmful and detrimental to one’s well-being. Instant messaging has been considered to foster anti-social behavior (Turrow 1999; Bryant, 2006), assuming that if one spends hours on the internet alone; they are practicing harmful behavior compared to the social norms of society. The use of instant messaging has also been said to hinder offline ties (Zhao, 2006), decreasing face to face interaction, which in effect, can cause a lower social capital (Ellison, 2007). Other conclusions have been made that more time spent online means less time one spends with loved ones or close friends (Zhao, 2006), therefore hindering important relationships.

Although this important information should be considered when studying patterns of online behavior, especially in young people, it’s important to note that many of these studies have an underlying assumption that those spending time socially communicating on instant messaging programs are talking to strangers. In a recent study, researchers concluded that youth who use instant messenger regularly are actually maintaining their offline relationships, especially with those who do not live nearby (Bryant, 2006). Youth are using instant messenger similar to the telephone, by communicating with friends that are out of geographic reach. Instant messenger also promotes having healthy relationships with others, by giving young people an inexpensive outlet to communicate. In fact, those who use chat programs had more social ties than non social users of the internet (Zhao, 2006), therefore, giving users of instant messaging an outlet for successful relationships, and possibly more social ties than those who do not use the internet socially.

Social networking sites have similar qualities to instant messaging, making them popular as well. Sites such Facebook have only increased in popularity, and continue to grow daily. Researchers, along with the media, have paid special attention to these sites- mostly in a negative manner. Again, like instant messaging, most research has been conducted under the assumption that those who use social networking sites are engaging in relationships with strangers. It has been argued that users of social networking sites are putting themselves in harm both online and offline (Ellison, 2007). Those who participate in these sites have an unknown audience, participate in immense self disclosure, and give personal details about themselves, therefore giving the audience a very personal inlet to their life.

Users of social networking sites closely resemble those who use instant messaging. In paying particular attention to Facebook, young people seem to be using these sites to bridge relationships, and keep in touch with old and new friends. Users of Facebook are actually using the site to establish a connection “involving people with whom they share an offline connection—either an existing friend, a classmate, someone living near them, or someone they met socially”(Ellison, 2007, p.12). Many users of Facebook have come to college without having close relationships; therefore the use of Facebook is helping their connection with offline relationships, bridging the gap between offline and online connection, forming a common bond. Most of the new connections that were being made on Facebook were geographically bound (Ellison, 2007), giving the user a more comfortable environment, and an insight on where they live. Facebook is mainly being used to keep old ties, while also bridging and making new connections that have been started offline, making it beneficial to one’s social network.

Social users of the internet are talking to and maintaining existing and offline connections, ultimately positively adding to their well-being. Social use of the internet is positively related to interpersonal activity (Zhao, 2006) and positive time spent on the internet adds to one’s overall well-being (Valkenburg, 2007). Online communication encourages intimate self disclosure and may be responsible for a potential increase in the quality of adolescents’ friendships (Valkenburg, 2007), giving users a different way to express themselves. Social use of the internet also helps overcome barriers faced by students who have low satisfaction and low self esteem (Ellison, 2007), adding to their overall well-being, and contributing to higher self worth.

Studies show that young people are using the internet to socialize closely to the way they would use it normally in offline publics. The internet seems to be a whole new social realm for youth (Boyd, 2007), giving them many of the same experiences that they would have offline. It is important to remember that the act of growing up for young people can be a trial in itself. The ups and downs, successes and failures, and changes in a young person’s life are inevitable. The common misconception that social use of the internet is damaging to young people may be totally incorret. Social use of the internet should be promoted, not frowned upon, youth are doing exactly what they have been doing for ages-just somewhere else.

Boyd, D. (2007). Why youth (heart) social network sites: the role of networked publics in teenage social life. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning –Youth, Identity, and Digital Media Volume (ed. David Buckingham).

Bryant, J. A., Sanders-Jackson, A., & Smallwood, A. M. K. (2006). IMing, text messaging, and adolescent social networks. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(2), article 10.

Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook "friends:" Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 1.

Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2007). Online communication and adolescent well-being: Testing the stimulation versus the displacement hypothesis. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 2.

Zhao, S. (2006). Do Internet users have more social ties? A call for differentiated analyses of Internet use. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(3), article 8.

Monday, May 26, 2008


My video of my best friend and I....enjoy!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Outline of Essay

This essay examines the use of social networking sites and computer mediated communication and its users. It will pay particular attention to the role it plays in the social aspects of its users, especially among young adults. Factors such as well-being, social ties, and healthy communication between these mediums will be explored.

Studies show that users of computer mediated communication and social networking sites seem to be benefiting from this mean of communication rather than having a negative impact, especially in a social aspect. Studies show that those who interact in these mediums tend to have more social ties than those who do not interact in these mediums. Other studies show that adolescents using CMC and SNS are not creating more ties, but keeping up with existing ties. In comparison with students who were more isolated than those who were not, the more isolated students were still less likely to use CMC than the more social adolescents. Another study found that use of the popular social networking site, Facebook, is linked with social capital, in a way that proves interaction on these sites provides better benefits or users with low self esteem and low life satisfaction. Research has also been proven that CMC helps well-being among relationships, and has a positive effect on time spent communicating and enhances quality of friendships. It’s also interesting to point out that most of these studies have been conducted very recently, which may predict successful use of CMC in the future.

With recent evidence that CMC is used as a means to better communicate and help maintain relationships, is CMC bad? On study particularly points out that many young people are not able to communicate in existing outside environments more in the 21st century. With all the hype of CMC in a negative sense, CMC may be proven to promote healthy well-being and successful maintenance of relationships.

Zhao, S. (2006). Do Internet users have more social ties? A call for differentiated analyses of Internet use. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(3), article 8.

Liu, H. (2007, November). Social Network Profiles as Taste Performances.
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 252-275. Retrieved
May 12, 2008, doi:10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00395.x

Bryant, J. A., Sanders-Jackson, A., & Smallwood, A. M. K. (2006). IMing, text messaging, and adolescent social networks. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 11(2), article 10.

Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook "friends:" Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 1.

Valkenburg, P. M., & Peter, J. (2007). Online communication and adolescent well-being: Testing the stimulation versus the displacement hypothesis. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 2.

Boyd, Danah. (in press): “Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life” from David Buckingham (ed.) MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Learning, Identity Volume

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Word and Excel/3D Chatting

Part 1:
After doing the Microsoft Word business letter, I found some new tools that I previously did not even know existed. I have used ms-word countless times for school work, or other misc. things, but I have never known that it can be formatted so easily!

I didn't encounter any problems, but I didn't figure out how to backspace through feel because it was after the Griffith Uni words...but I still managed to figure out that how that is useful.

I did not find it too simple or confusing, I just found it pretty time consuming, and you have to pay attention to what you are doing and follow directions well. It can be easy to get the functions mixed up, so I can see how word can be easily confusing.

This software has been useful to me in the past, and it will be more useful to me in the future!

This one was a little bit harder to me! I have never had to use Excel for anything, I've only seen it. The different options and graphs that can be created can be very useful for anyone trying to organize something, and I can understand why this is popularly used.

It was a little confusing due to the fact that I am a new user. Someone that is a beginner to this may have trouble, but it is pretty user friendly-you just have to have patience.

Part 2:

3D chatting is definitely different than regular msn chatting. It feels more or less like the "real world" and since you can make a person chat, which seems more like face to face chatting, you may start to believe that you are actually in this space, and may act like it. Since simulated lands are apart of these chats, more things are possible in that people can talk about different places, or may act differently-more like "real life."

This application may lead us to having another persona online which is even more personal than myspace/facebook. People may feel like because this represents virtual reality, that it is actually a reality. This application could also be helpful if the 3d arena is of somewhere real, like for business operations. This application could hurt us in the fact that face to face communication may become less and less available, making this virtual reality actual reality.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Wikipedia Articles

One of my favorite movies is Good Will Hunting. Matt Damon has become one of my favorite actors, and I seem to like movies that he stars in. I guess being a teeny-bopper at heart, I know some information about him. Looking him up on wikipedia was actually pretty accurate.

1. The article seems to be pretty accurate when it comes to his career. I actually learned some new facts about him that I didn't previously know (like his early career) and his family life.
2. The article covers all the basic knowledge and more about Matt Damon. It covers every film he's been in, every award/honor he's been given, family life, hometown-and much more, and offers further reading.
3.This article does cover the wikipedia outlines for a useful article. Everything that is generally known about Matt Damon is accurate. There seems to be no false information, and the information is presented in an intelligent fashion. There are many third party resources to choose from. There are 46 references (that's a lot for many wikipedia articles I have seen), and there are 9 external links that are legitimate movie databases (not random websites). The further reading that is made available are all biography's that may be found in a library.
4. I'd say this article is pretty fair and balanced. It obviously doesn't show any wrong-doings of Damon, or any negativity. Although he could be someone that doesn't have and "dirt" on him like other celebrities.

I wouldn't change this article at all about Matt Damon. If there were changes to be made they should be an addition for the things that Matt Damon is currently doing, or has in the making. This is one of the best articles I have seen from wikipedia on an actor.

Coming from Los Angeles, California, and previously interning in the Entertainment Industry, I have come across a lot of information about the pop sensation Chris Brown. Remember, I'm a teeny-bopper at heart, so I also do enjoy his entertainment abilities, and believe he is a very talented performer. Looking at his wikipedia article, I have to say I was a little disappointed.

1. This article is accurate, but it excludes a lot of information. Most of the information is general, and does not go into much detail about his personal life, early life, and his career. I know he's done a lot more charity work than is stated, and appeared in numerous articles, and appearances that are not noted.
2. This article does cover most of the basic facts about Chris Brown, but does not cover the extent of his success. He is a huge icon in the States and worldwide, and that is not made prevalent in the article.
3.This article does not cover wikipedias guidelines for a useful article. In the music section it even states that there are no reliable sources and offers for people to help change that. There are only 6 references and there is so much more information available that can be used. The resources aren't even that reliable either (like from MTV, or VH1, anything well known in the music industry).
4. I think this article is pretty fair and balanced, yet is too general. I have seen many articles about top 40 pop stars that are way more informative, and go into more detail than this one.

To change this article I would first make the resources more reliable to the entertainment industry. I would also include quotes by Chris Brown in magazines or interviews he has done. I would also make a section about his personal life, and for his music career I would get better sources than the ones used-probably from his record label. I would also go into greater detail about his charity work done.

As we learned, wikipedia is not a reliable source, but I have to admit, when I want to know something fast, wikipedia seems to usually work. Although it is fast and readily available, it shouldn't be considered a reliable, useful source.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Walter Benjamin and art

Walter Benjamin believed that art could never be authentically reproduced. Replication of art in Walter Benjamin’s mind undermines the authenticity and uniqueness of the original work, therefore digital media would probably not be considered art to Walter Benjamin. He also believed that painting's were more authentic than films, or photographs. Digital media is lots of replications of the same thing over a wide spread area, so in Benjamin's mind-it's very far from art.

Now that anyone can make "art" on the computer, I think that it can go two ways for professional artists. One way that it can go is that people will start appreciating digital art more, because it may be more accessible or more easily more people can be artists when it comes to digital art. On the other hand, professional artists' art may become more valuable because it may become more scarce and unique too. But at the end of the day, who can judge what is a better piece of art, or even what art is exactly-art is different to everyone.

I do not think a photoshopped image is "authentic" because its a version of something else-just altered. The definition is "not false or copied; genuine; real"-so I don't think it's authentic because its based off a copy of an image.

I think digital "things" can have an aura, it just depends on who is looking at the image. I believe that someone can think a digital picture is just amazing, and other's can think of it as an ordinary picture. It goes back to my belief that no one can judge what art is anyways-anything can be art.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Questions and Answers

1. The creator of the 'love bug' virus is speculated to be a man by the name of Onel de Guzman of Manila, Philippines.

2. John Vaaler seems to be credited with inventing the paper clip and its patent.

3. The Ebola virus was named after a river in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), where the virus was first recognized.

4. Finding the largest earthquake ever recorded was a little harder because there seemed to be so many answers. I found this earthquake mentioned a lot when referring to the largest.. the biggest earthquake since 1900 recorded with modern equipment occurred on May 22, 1960, in Chile and measured 9.5 on the Richter scale.

5. Using a conversion calculator, I think 1 kilobyte is equal to 9.313225746155E-10 terabyte...???

Computer engineer, Ray Tomlinson invented internet based email in late 1971.

7.Storm worm is a piece of malware that self-propagates by spreading itself around a network of attached computers. Most experts say there's no way to know how many recipients of Storm spam clicked through and became infected, and therefore the actual size of the Storm botnet is unknown

8. To contact the prime minister, I found a website that you can fill out a form and a message that you would like to say/ask to the PM.

9. Stephen played keyboard for Brisbane punk band, the Black Assassins.

10.I think 'web 2.0' is the new age use of blogger sites and the like that give the public more of an opinion and option to express their feelings with the choice for others to have their input back.,,sid9_gci1169528,00.html

I do not know that all of the sources I used to find my answers were of complete merit but I tried to use sites that were more widly credited-like

Sunday, March 16, 2008

New Communication Technologies

Well, because my family and friends are across the Pacific Ocean, I have never used email/skype/IM so much! I wake up every morning and have an email from a family member, which is nice because it reminds me of home. My Myspace has also never been so important to me because I can talk to my friends and see what they've been up to, and in return they can see my adventures in Australia.

My Skype...grrr...I have had nothing but problems with my skype because my webcam I have doesn't always work, and the microphone on it almost never works. Everyday I try to talk to my parents I get frustrated when it does not work, and then I realize that I shouldn't depend on technology that much. But, I will keep trying to work out my skype problems because hearing/seeing my family is way better than an email.

I have been using comm. technologies for a while now, it seems that they are becoming a must. Email is a great form of communication because of how fast it works, but it's also a bad form of communication because I feel like people don't converse like 'the old days' either. But, as time goes on it seems as though our fast paced environment (especially where I'm from), will be dependent on comm. technologies...

I tried for so long not to have a myspace/facebook because I didn't want to go along with the grain. But I guess I got sucked into the fact that having pictures, a cool song, a flowery background and some whitty sayings was just the right combination...I must say it is a cool way to keep up with old acquaintances, but I have also noticed it causes some unnecessary feelings too. But, I've noticed that my close friends and I never communicate on's more or less for people who you don't talk to on a regular basis.

My myspace/facebook are both private and I only add people who I know. I still think it's a little creepy to have lots of friends who you've never met, and don't even know exist.


Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Art of Possibility

A marketing firm sent two representatives to a foreign country in search of strategies to market shoes. They came back with these responses:

'It is impossible. No hope, no one wears shoes.'

'Great news! No one wears shoes!'

This excerpt is from a book that I am reading called The Art of Possibility which I have come to know and love.

Hello, my name is Noelle. I am currently a fourth year student from the US studying Communications. I have yet to answer the infamous question of "what I am going to do with the rest of my life?" but so far my journey has brought me to the wonderful country of Australia-and I am not complaining. I enjoy going to the beach, naps, my friends, laughing, family, carbs, dancing, music..I could go on forever. I'm excited for you to get an insight in my life....enjoy:)